Dragon city chinese restaurant san diego
Dragon city chinese restaurant san diego

dragon city chinese restaurant san diego

So after the party, we weren't going to let this visit to Abby go to waste.

dragon city chinese restaurant san diego dragon city chinese restaurant san diego

Which also means we're running around too. Oh right, Viv believes that they should run around and play. Why can't we just give them all a DS or PSP? Then there would be peace and quiet. You gotta love being the middleman of several screaming kids all wanting the same ball. I was disappointed to discover that he had ordered Panago despite the fact he lives only 5 minutes from Ah-Beetz! Ah whatever, we're usually too busy attending to the kiddies anyways, no time to eat. It was another kid's party out at Rock Guy's place. Much like last time, we did have a reason. With the price of gas these days, there must be a purpose for me to do the drive out. Well, except for the time Kim, Anita and I drove all the way out just to eat at Ah-Beetz. Normally, I don't venture out to these parts because frankly, I have no business out here.

Dragon city chinese restaurant san diego